I've known Tere Liye and his books since my High School friends were addicted about him. Now I am, as well, since his books are so damn good. I mean, I'm really picky when it comes to books, and Tere Liye has exceeded my expectations, literally.
One of the best books he'd ever written is titled BUMI (earth).
I am, hands down, in love with said novel.
So it is talking about a fifteen-years-old girl named Raib (indonesian language for missing). She's just like any other girls, and there is nothing special about her.
except for the fact that Raib can disappear.
All she has to do is to close her face with her hands and wish for others to not see herself, and bam! Raib is gone from your sight. She has this ability since she was a child, and she never tells anyone about it. Not even her mom and dad know about her special ability.
But one day, a man appeared on her mirror, and said that she did not come from the earth, and instead is a part from another world altogether. Then terrors start to strike Raib, until she, her friend Seli, and the class clown Ali need to run away from earth to the place where Ra actually came from; the Moon Clan.
Together, the three of them have to solve a way back and to stop the trouble that is, apparently, endangering the whole world. Will they succeeded? Only time will answer.
I personally like this book because it presents an adventure genre that is very attractive and smart. Tere Liye is able to give an element of fun, philosophy, mystery, tragedy, warmth, and so many other things I cannot name. His characters are also the kind of people we can relate to, and his language and flow of story enables us to imagine as if we ourselves are inside the story.
I seriously recommend this book for adventure lovers. Be prepared for Ra's quirkiness and secrets, because you are about to be mind-blown.